So many struggle with the idea of scheduling.  Even some of those who have been scheduling for years don't tap into the deep potential and power that scheduling provides.  Maybe you've tried scheduling before and then just gave up on it because it 'didn't work for you'.  Or maybe you're afraid of the whole idea.  I know I was.  I told myself that for years.  I was afraid that if I committed to scheduling that I would lose all creativity and spontaneity in my life.  The reason for this is because I didn't realize what scheduling truly was and what it isn't.

Scheduling isn't a way to cram more 'stuff' into your day so that you feel 'busy' or 'accomplished'. It's not a tool for multi-tasking.  Scheduling is a tangible and active way to prioritize your values and live into those values.  It actually gives freedom to live the kind of life you want.

After you listen to this podcast, you are invited to join me for a beta run on a 30 day Own Your Schedule Challenge.  You will have access to my #slack team, a private forum where you can share your experiences, struggles, and victories with a group on the same journey as you.  You will have early access to my 'Own Your Life Planner', a one page priority and productivity sheet that will literally 'set' your schedule for you.  I will be available the entire beta and 30 day challenge to answer questions and help in any way that I can.

Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin.

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If you have never bought into scheduling or if you've been scheduling for years without tapping into the true power of it, join us!

 This is how it works:

1.  Email me and tell me you want in.  

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2.  I will send you an invite.

3.  Click on the link and create a profile and password.

4.  Start engaging.

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