109: What Chapter Are You Stuck On?”

In this Episode, I am touching on the topic of living in comparison and how we use that concept of comparing our journey, or our chapter to someone else.  I am sure you have heard the saying, “don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10. Whenever we live in comparison, we take our eyes off our own journey, we forget our gifts, our personal power, our strengths and our abilities.  It also is important to remember that we truly don’t know the journey someone else has been on.  We think we do because of social media, but we must remember that it is only showcasing their highlight reel.  We truly have no idea the personal work, the years that someone else has dedicated to their journey.

In this episode I share the top tips of how to move forward another chapter in your life:

1.  Own where you are at, start where you are.  If you haven’t even bought the book, or opened it, then start there.  If you are on chapter 1, that is where you are.  Chapter 1 is a great starting place.

2.  When someone has achieved something you want to achieve, celebrate their success because it is what is possible for you too.  There is no lack or scarcity, only abundance, possibility and opportunities.  This is a mindset shift that takes time to adopt, yet it is worth learning HOW to shift this thinking!

3.  Commit to doing the work.  If it takes 1 year, 10 years or a lifetime, commit to doing the work on a daily basis.  Habits, rituals, mindset work, all of it is work, but it is how we can create the changes we are desperately praying for.

4.  Find someone who has what you want and choose to learn from them.  Make sure it is someone who is authentically sharing their journey, how they got to where they are and learn from them.  Whether it is through their books, podcasts, blogs, posts, programs or mentorship, commit to learning from someone who has walked the path you want to walk.

5.  Play the long game.  It takes time to go from chapter 1 – chapter 10.  You don’t get to jump 10 chapters.  It is always only one chapter at a time.  It takes time, commitment and persistence to create lasting change in our lives.

6.  Decide where you can move the needle first.  What do you need to STOP doing and START doing in order to create change?  Is it ownership, letting go of blame, anger, judgement, taking responsibility for your choices, self-care, or finding your courage?  Decide where to start, what to let go of and what to start doing.

Connect with Marsha:

Book your FREE IMPACT call


    Sponsorships: off for this episode          

109: What Chapter Are You Stuck On?”

In this Episode, I am touching on the topic of living in comparison and how we use that concept of comparing our journey, or our chapter to someone else.  I am sure you have heard the saying, “don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10. Whenever we live in comparison, we take our eyes off our own journey, we forget our gifts, our personal power, our strengths and our abilities.  It also is important to remember that we truly don’t know the journey someone else has been on.  We think we do because of social media, but we must remember that it is only showcasing their highlight reel.  We truly have no idea the personal work, the years that someone else has dedicated to their journey.

In this episode I share the top tips of how to move forward another chapter in your life:

1.  Own where you are at, start where you are.  If you haven’t even bought the book, or opened it, then start there.  If you are on chapter 1, that is where you are.  Chapter 1 is a great starting place.

2.  When someone has achieved something you want to achieve, celebrate their success because it is what is possible for you too.  There is no lack or scarcity, only abundance, possibility and opportunities.  This is a mindset shift that takes time to adopt, yet it is worth learning HOW to shift this thinking!

3.  Commit to doing the work.  If it takes 1 year, 10 years or a lifetime, commit to doing the work on a daily basis.  Habits, rituals, mindset work, all of it is work, but it is how we can create the changes we are desperately praying for.

4.  Find someone who has what you want and choose to learn from them.  Make sure it is someone who is authentically sharing their journey, how they got to where they are and learn from them.  Whether it is through their books, podcasts, blogs, posts, programs or mentorship, commit to learning from someone who has walked the path you want to walk.

5.  Play the long game.  It takes time to go from chapter 1 – chapter 10.  You don’t get to jump 10 chapters.  It is always only one chapter at a time.  It takes time, commitment and persistence to create lasting change in our lives.

6.  Decide where you can move the needle first.  What do you need to STOP doing and START doing in order to create change?  Is it ownership, letting go of blame, anger, judgement, taking responsibility for your choices, self-care, or finding your courage?  Decide where to start, what to let go of and what to start doing.

Connect with Marsha:

Book your FREE IMPACT call


    Sponsorships: off for this episode