Starting an MBA program in the middle of a global pandemic is difficult already. But when Pierre Aristide was diagnosed with cancer during his program, the flexibility and remote options offered to him made it possible to graduate on time with the rest of his cohort and beat the disease. In fact, Pierre says if it weren't for his cohort, he may have had a totally different health outcome. 

Pierre earned his Executive MBA from Rice Business in 2022, concentrating in entrepreneurship and healthcare. He is the co-founder and CEO of Impireum Psychiatric Group, an adult, child and adolescent psychiatric practice with locations in Katy, Spring, Richmond and Sugar Land. He is also the co-founder of Index Medical Billing Solutions. 

Fresh off of graduation, Pierre joins host Christine Dobbyn to discuss resiliency, his path before Rice including almost 30 years as a U.S. Air Force Reserve officer, coping with PTSD and making improvements to mental health treatment centers.

Episode Quotes:

Advice for future EMBA students

23:12 - My advice to anybody going to business school, go in there with a purpose. Don't go in there and try to follow what everybody else is doing. Don’t go in there to fit in. Don't go in there to be known because you went to Rice, as a Rice alumni, do it because you have a purpose. And that purpose will be your guiding light. 

Before and after Rice

04:27 - If you ask me who I was  prior to Rice, I would describe to you a whole different person.

On finding his purpose at Rice

22:36 - My purpose was to be able to do the same thing that I was doing in the military, in the business world. And Rice has taught me that. It made me a little bit more dedicated to what I'm doing now, because now I feel like I know what I'm doing, and there's no room for failure because I have all the tools.

Going to Rice saved Pierre’s life, he says

03:30 - I tell my family, if it wasn't for Rice, I wouldn't be here today. Rice actually saved my life. Accepting me into the program and the support that I got. It looks like it was meant to happen the way it did, but it was all a coincidence. 

What he's most proud of in his current work in mental health

15:08 - When I talk to patients, one of the things they tell me that sticks with me is that I don't have to worry about the stigma anymore. I'm very comfortable coming here and talking my issues out and I don't feel judged. 

Show Links:

Episode Transcript

Guest Profile:

Pierre Aristide on LinkedInImpireum Psychiatric Group