When you put your identity in the activities you do, or you measure your worth by what you can accomplish, you’ll likely end up overcommitted, confused, and lacking peace. Rachel reminds us that the core truth of our existence is that we are God’s beloved ones. She shares stories from difficult seasons in her own life, including a time when she was on bed rest for weeks. When we realize that we are worthy because of who we are and not what we do, there’s less pressure to fill our calendars with an overwhelming amount of activities. Rachel gives some practical advice about how to start living this way.
Throughout the series Rachel will take you through concepts outlined in her book Overcommitted: Cut Chaos and Find Balance. Learn more about the book here: https://bookstore.wau.org/Overcommitted-Cut-Chaos-and-Find-Balance-P403.aspx

When you put your identity in the activities you do, or you measure your worth by what you can accomplish, you’ll likely end up overcommitted, confused, and lacking peace. Rachel reminds us that the core truth of our existence is that we are God’s beloved ones. She shares stories from difficult seasons in her own life, including a time when she was on bed rest for weeks. When we realize that we are worthy because of who we are and not what we do, there’s less pressure to fill our calendars with an overwhelming amount of activities. Rachel gives some practical advice about how to start living this way.

Throughout the series Rachel will take you through concepts outlined in her book Overcommitted: Cut Chaos and Find Balance. Learn more about the book here: https://bookstore.wau.org/Overcommitted-Cut-Chaos-and-Find-Balance-P403.aspx