Overcoming Graduation Ep. 58 The Monologue Dialogue

Ever been lying in bed thinking about someone you are pissed or frustrated at? Lying there and having an argument in your head where you are playing both parts? CONGRATULATIONS! You have just had what my dad calls a "Monologue Dialogue." For a long time I lay in bed awake every night having Monologue Dialogues because I was afraid to have the difficult conversations in my life. This is an episode about why I believe we all have MD's and how you can begin overcoming them today. 

In today's episode I will discuss: 

- What a "Monologue Dialogue" really is and how to let them go

- The importance of setting boundaries and standing in your truth

- How we "teach others how to treat us" 

- How to build your confidence to have the tough conversations in your life 


And more! 


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