Ep 213 Change It Up (Notes on Habit Change)

If you have ever tried to change a habit and failed time and time again, you know the frustration and resilience it takes to try again. 

This isn't just for habits.

Think of all the areas in your life that you have tried again and again and keep getting the same result. 

Sometimes, it is not more effort, but a different approach we need to get a new result.

Today, I share a recent example from my own life on how a small tweak has been giving me massively different results in a key area in my life, and how you can too. 



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Ep 213 Change It Up (Notes on Habit Change)

If you have ever tried to change a habit and failed time and time again, you know the frustration and resilience it takes to try again. 

This isn't just for habits.

Think of all the areas in your life that you have tried again and again and keep getting the same result. 

Sometimes, it is not more effort, but a different approach we need to get a new result.

Today, I share a recent example from my own life on how a small tweak has been giving me massively different results in a key area in my life, and how you can too. 



To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at [email protected]

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