Dr. Rob and Tami answer a troubling question from a listener. Her husband is accusing her of cheating and he even called her a nasty name because he found out someone had a high school crush on her over 40 years ago. What is going on with this person? He’s the one with the addiction, not her, so why is she getting so much heat? Dr. Rob and Tami dive into what might be causing such a phenomenon.



[:30] I need to get organized. I need some sort of structure. How can I do this?

[5:20] They say couples can recover. Is that really true? Or are they just together and sexless forever?

[9:10] Sex changes as you get older, but intimacy gets better when you learn how to experience it.

[10:10] There is hope in healing.

[10:15] My SA husband keeps accusing me of cheating despite no evidence. What is going on?

[13:00] When you get this type of husband, they can convince you that you are crazy, even when you’ve done nothing wrong.

[14:50] I see a therapist that I trust but they're not a CSAT, should I still go see a CSAT?

[18:10] By the way, Dr. Rob is on TV! Tune in and watch Dr. Rob on the show Digital Addiction.

[19:30] I just found out my husband is a sex addict. I don’t want him around our daughter. What should I do?




Email Tami: [email protected]



Out of the Doghouse: A Step-by-Step Relationship-Saving Guide for Men Caught Cheating, by Robert Weiss

Prodependence: Moving Beyond Codependency, by Robert Weiss

Sex Addiction 101: A Basic Guide to Healing from Sex, Porn, and Love Addiction, by Robert Weiss

Cruise Control: Understanding Sex Addiction in Gay Men, by Robert Weiss