Dana Diaz was born to a teenage mother out of wedlock who didn't want her but was forced to keep her. Reduced to nothing, she left home during her first year of college and immediately fell for a covert narcissist who promised her the love I never had. Dana married him, who soon verbally and physically abused her much as her father did. She ignored her intuitive sense and married him anyway. During her 25-year-long relationship with him, he used her verbally and emotionally, drained them financially, manipulated her, cheated on her, and took advantage of her sexually. Accordingly, she did not want to engage with him. As retribution, he stalked her and attempted to kidnap their son. The trauma caused her severe illness. By the end of her marriage, she had autoimmune symptoms and lung syndrome resulting from consistently high levels of cortisol. Getting sick made her realize the self-respect and self-love she hadn't had before. Leaving the toxicity of that relationship has allowed her to heal and thrive. She has finally used her education in journalism and psychology from DePaul University to author a book about her experiences, and she is speaking out for other victims of abuse to create awareness about abuse and the need for more justice for victims. Her life of recovery and overcoming inspires others to show them it's never too late to love or live and fulfill their heart's desires. You can learn more about Dana through her book, Gasping for Air: The Stranglehold of Narcissistic Abuse, and on her website: https://danasdiaz.com/.