Today’s episode features an interview between guest host Ian Faison, the CEO of Caspian Studios, and David Hart, CTO and Co-Founder of NetFoundry.

David has over 20 years of experience in the software industry and is an expert in the IoT space, having led successive generations of remote connectivity platforms and played a key role in realizing innovative connected product solutions. 

In this interview, David discusses how NetFoundry is redefining networking in order to enable innovation, the key role networking plays in digital transformation, the critical moment IoT is undergoing, and why edge solutions need to be an ecosystem play in order to succeed.

Key Quotes

“When we talk internally as a company, we say we are redefining networking in order to enable edge innovation. And when we say edge innovation, we don't mean edge like edge computing, we mean like innovation around the edges, so innovation where you don't need to ask permission.”“We have a very strong belief at NetFoundry that for us to be successful and for these ideas to be successful, it's an ecosystem play. We need to be out talking to people and working with people in the edge space.”“To me, it's better when you don't talk about IoT…In other words, as it gets to the point where you're not talking about IoT itself, but you're just talking about things that are good ideas and should be done, that’s when we're really getting somewhere.”“Networking is a huge part of any digital transformation or any kind of distributed application. It's a central part of the issue, so we want the network to be application-centric. We want the application developer to control the network and embed the network directly in the app.”“I hope we continue down this democratization path, redefining networking in order to enable edge innovation and getting the world to the point where people who don't necessarily have access to tons of money or the ability to roll out massive, distributed systems, can start getting that in their hands.”


Over the Edge is brought to you by the generous sponsorship of Catchpoint, NetFoundry, Ori Industries, Packet, Seagate, Vapor IO, and Zenlayer.

The featured sponsor of this episode of Over the Edge is NetFoundry. What do IoT apps, edge compute and edge data centers have in common?  They need simple, secure networking.  Unfortunately, SD-WAN and VPN are square pegs in round holes.  NetFoundry solves the headache, providing software-only, zero trust networking, embeddable in any device or app. Go to to learn more.


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