Today’s episode features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Iyad Tarazi, President, CEO, and Co-Founder of Federated Wireless

Iyad is a technology industry trailblazer with experience in successful commercialization of disruptive cloud native SaaS technologies. Prior to Federated Wireless, he served as Vice President of Network Development and led the Network Vision modernization project at Sprint Corp.

In this interview, Iyad discusses CBRS, shared spectrum, and the massive potential for disruption and innovation they represent, as well as the interesting intersections between CBRS and edge computing.

Key Quotes

“The most thrilling part of CBRS is that it truly is free. It's really democratizing wireless access.”

“This is like Airbnb. Don't sell the house, I'll rent the room for you tomorrow. That's basically what we're doing. We make the spectrum available immediately, which is great for economics and great for innovation.”

“When we go from a few people building technology on spectrum to thousands and thousands if not millions of deployments, the amount of innovation we’re going to get in the software technology ecosystem is going to go through the roof…Innovation is going to take off. That's democratization in the best way possible."

“The U.S. will become the most innovative, by far, in creating solutions and applications and technology for wireless, because they’ll be able to get a thousand enterprises or a thousand companies all innovating at the same time.”

“At the end of the day, we're a software company that sits on top of an open ecosystem with a bunch of partners built around a very, very innovative spectrum model that's enabled by a really innovative government. The FCC and the DOD and NTIA and the White House--what they've done here over the last 10+ years in terms of creating this innovation model has really been first in the world.”

“All we really do right now is facilitate the management and enable the system. We pass more than 90% of the value of what's happening and what the spectrum offers over to our customers. We're more focused on enabling the ecosystem and enabling our customers than anything else. We're an enablement platform at the end of the day.”


Over the Edge is brought to you by the generous sponsorship of Catchpoint, NetFoundry, Ori Industries, Packet, Seagate, Vapor IO, and Zenlayer.

The featured sponsor of this episode of Over the Edge is Seagate Technology. Seagate’s new CORTX Intelligent Object Storage Software is 100% open source. It enables efficient capture and consolidation of massive, unstructured data sets for the lowest cost per petabyte. Learn more and join the community at


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