(Royalty-free image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.)

Remember some of your toughest subjects in school?

What if you'd had a personal AI tutor, to help you learn them?  And what if that tutor had been able to spot your weakest areas, and tell you when you were forgetting concepts?

That's exactly what Magma Learning Founder/CEO Maxime Gabella has now made possible.  

Maxime. who is both a theoretical physicist and an artist (he has a Ph.D. in string theory and a fine-arts/philosophy background) has developed ARI 9000, a personal artificial-intelligence tutor application.   And ARI is one component of Magma Learning's mission: to radically enhance human learning through artificial intelligence.

Since its start in 2019, Magma Learning has garnered several honors, including the Digital Seed Award from the Foundation for Technological Innovation, and Karger Publishers' first Vesalius Innovation Award.

Currently, Maxime says, ARI 9000 is primarily available to organizations, for employee training, and to institutions of higher learning, as a student-education tool.  But a consumer version is forthcoming, and may be available sometime this summer!

We talked about the story of ARI, how Maxime came to create it, and what's next!
On this edition of Over Coffee®, we cover:

Why Maxime considers learning "as exhilarating as playing";

How he first came to realize the potential of AI to enhance human learning;

The story of Magma Learning;

How Maxime's physics research uncovered a surprising finding about space and time;

How ARI 9000 works!;

What most of us don't realize, in the process of learnings, that ARI can catch;

How someone using ARI 9000 can actually "see" what they know--and don't know;

One commonly-held misconception about learning;