Previous Episode: The Elements of Fun

(Photograph courtesy of Amy Peck, and used with permission.)

How can you build your brand with new immersive technology?

"Start with doing things on paper," advises The Antipodean founder and immersive strategist Michelle Excell.

MIchelle's emerging-technology and immersive content collective The Antipodean uses AI, VR, AR and the Internet of Things to strengthen clients' brands.

But the crucial element?  Michelle says it's the "why" behind using a specific technology, in new creative work.

Michelle launched The Antipodean after fifteen years working in digital production and advertising.  New technology and creative digital production fill her workdays--along with the best ways to integrate them,  to convey a message.

And virtual and augmented reality, sensors and "smart" items are secondary, Michelle says, to knowing what works for you--and what doesn't.

Michelle talked about her creative journey with The Antipodean, offered some of the lessons she's learned along the way for fellow creatives, and offered a preview of an exciting project she and her staff at The Antipodean are currently creating.
And would you like to hear her live presentation?  Michelle will be one of the speakers at SFBig's breakfast event, "How Do Brands Use AI to Engage Customers?" on Wednesday morning, June 12th at 8:30 am, at China Live in San Francisco.  Here's the link for information.   (We've had the pleasure of hearing Michelle as a keynote speaker in Long Beach, and she is fantastic!)
(Photograph courtesy of Michelle Excell, and used with permission.)
On this edition of Over Coffee®, you will hear:

How Michelle first became involved in interactive digital production;

How she came to found The Antipodean;

What the first days of The Antipodean were like;

One lesson Michelle and her team learned which could apply to any startup founder;

What's involved in building a successful brand;

The steps Michelle recommends to any individual or organization, when moving forward with digital technology;

A STEAM resource that could give young girls an understanding of the link between their lives and math/science;

Some of the factors that helped Michelle avoid the "gender gap" in her growing-up years;

One very cool idea on which The Antipodean is currently working, that has numerous applications.