Previous Episode: Our XR World to Come


"We've really tried to design this, so it's not just for hard-core coders," says MetaVRse Co-Founder Alan Smithson.

He's talking about the MetaVRse 3D content creation engine.  Designed by Alan and his wife and company co-founder Julie (who is Chair of, this web-based platform enables anyone to design interactive 3D experiences.

No code is necessary, and the MetaVRse engine has both free and paid accounts available.

The MetaVRse engine, meanwhile, is a means to accomplishing the main goal of the Ontario-based company Alan and Julie have created.

Also named MetaVRse, the company's mission, as stated on LinkedIn, is to unlock the power of spatial computing for everyone.

Users of the MetaVRse engine drag and drop, to create their content.   With the engine, Alan and Julie have created a number of virtual applications.   Just recently, they introduced their virtual showroom!  Shoppers can view a product, virtually, in numerous colors, or even (as in the case of the athletic shoes pictured) customize what they would like to buy.

Alan shared the story of MetaVRse, explained several ways users can create content with the platform and offered a look at the ways immersive content will be incorporated into the world of the future.
On this edition of Over Coffee®, we cover:

How XR first came on Alan's radar;

How the pace of innovation is accelerating (and where it's going!);

The story of the MetaVRse 3D creation engine;

How to create 3D files, without code;

A look inside the MetaVRse virtual showroom;

A projection of job skills for the future;

The ways in which Alan foresees spatial computing evolving;

What Alan has enjoyed most about both MetaVRse (the company) and the MetaVRse engine in the last six months;

How Alan's talks, including his TEDX talk "The Marriage of Technology and Education", serve as "yardsticks" for the way innovation has accelerated;

And, one more resource for keeping up with the future--plus a great book!