Programming a robot, and "fun", were once two unrelated concepts.

iRobot's Root® Coding Robot brings them together.

Root® teaches coding by engaging the imagination of students, "ages 4 to 99".   Interacting with the robot, they may not realize just how much they're learning.

They're busy playing  games, getting the robot to draw, write, climb, make music, and a host of other beginner-friendly coding activities.

"Students need to be exposed to (STEM in elementary school), even pre-K," says iRobot STEM Program Manager Lisa Freed.

Accordingly, the Root®'s coding lessons start with simple drag-and drop procedures.  Then, as students grow and learn, they progress through three learning levels .   Text-based Level Three is based in the Python programming language.

"We're always adding (curriculum) to support users who are going beyond Level One," says iRobot Learning Designer Anna Elzer.  And a key concept, she says, is keeping the lessons engaging.

Sparking educators' creativity, as well as students', is a high priority as well.   Anna designs many of the curricula for the Root® robot.

"We have this library of really fun, engaging games," explains Senior Learning Designer Rebecca Attia.  "I'm really looking forward to (supporting teachers)."

Students don't even need to have the physical robot, to learn to code virtually.   iRobot's resources include a virtual robot simulator!

Lisa, Anna and Rebecca talked about their experiences, shared the story of iRobot's Root® Coding Robot and offered a look at the upcoming resources iRobot will be offering in the near future.
On this edition of Over Coffee®, we cover:

How Lisa, Anna and Rebecca first became engaged in robotics;

The story of the Root® Coding Robot;

A look at some of the educational resources which iRobot offers;

Considerations involved for Anna, as she creates lessons for the Root robot;

Some of her sources of creative inspiration in this process;

Advice for teachers who are just getting started, teaching  and learning with the coding interface;

A look at how the robot can work, for participants of all ages;

How the three "Learn Levels" work;

Some of the arts-related activities that will get everyone coding and having fun!;

How iRobot is reaching out to classrooms all around the country, and reaching underserved students with coding training;

How the "virtual robot" works, for students who may not have the physical resources;

Some of the ways iRobot is supporting teachers, especially those new to coding;

Upcoming new programs and resources (which are constantly being updated) and how to access them;

Some favorite creative experiences which Rebecca, Anna and Lisa had with the Root®.

Check out iRobot's free curricula on their webpage.  And don't miss a chance to program their virtual robot simulator!

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