(Photo courtesy of Becky Neely, Engineers Without Borders USA Communications Director, and used with permission.)

When we think of communities without clean water, or other basic needs, many of us don't envision them in the U.S.

Nonprofit Engineers Without Borders knows differently.  They provide volunteer engineering services to underserved communities in 44 countries.

And that includes the United States.  A relatively new branch of the organization, Engineers Without Borders USA, is currently celebrating its fifth anniversary.

Currently, Engineers Without Borders USA volunteers are at work on projects in 33 states.     They have a three-pronged program: the global International Community Program; the Engineering Service Corps, comprised of their most seasoned volunteers; and the Community Engineering Corps.  The latter is an alliance of technical professionals and students, working together to solve problems and empower communities.

Clare Haas Claveau is Community Engineering Corps Director at Engineers Without Borders, USA.  We talked about Engineers Without Borders USA's current projects, what volunteers can expect, and how you or your business or employer can get involved, if you'd like (whether or not you're an engineer!).
On this edition of Over Coffee®, you will hear:

How Clare first became involved in Engineers Without Borders USA;

Current projects in progress, in the U.S.;

Several projects which may not be the first thing you think of, when you think of engineering (Including one very cool one that needs more engineer volunteers right now!);

How engineers can get involved;

What volunteers can expect, once they commit;

One of the best creative challenges Clare has encountered;

How the outreach campaign, What's in My Backyard, works;

Where other professionals (non-engineers) can get in touch and work with Engineers Without Borders USA;

The obstacles around which Clare and her teams are working;

What Engineers Without Borders USA needs most, at this point;

One of Clare's most rewarding experiences, among the projects she's facilitated;

A closer look at an agricultural project in New Orleans, and a clean-water system in California.

Community Engineering Corps' vision for the future.

Like to know more about what Engineers Without Borders is doing internationally?  Check out our earlier interview with Re:3D co-founder Samantha Snabes!