(Photo courtesy of Ross Porter, and used with permission.)

When he made the DQ Music Box, Ross Porter didn't set out to become a maker.

With his invention, the "Dementia Friendly Music Player", he just wanted to give his father some happiness.

But today, he's teaching others how to create the player--open-source.

(Photo courtesy of Ross Porter, and used with permission.)

Ross enlisted the help of fellow makers, especially nonprofit Makers Making Change, to make his vision a reality.  Along the way, he says, the makers gave him new ideas and ways to make his original idea even better.

Currently, he has two models of the "Dementia Friendly Music Player", which are very easy for a loved one with dementia to use.  The basic box, shown above, is laser-cut.

(Photo courtesy of Ross Porter, and used with permission.)

Meanwhile, this cathedral-style "radio" case is--can you believe it?--3D printed!

The DQ Music Box, Ross says, is easy to make in under two hours.  In fact, in 2017, Ross taught a group attendees to make the players in that amount of time.

And--he's going to be doing that again.  This time, he has a brand-new model he's completing!

(Photo courtesy of Ross Porter, and used with permission.)

Gorgeous? Warm-looking?  Ross plans to exhibit this cherry wood model of the DQ Music Box at the Makers Making Change exhibit during the 2018 Seattle Mini Maker Faire, on August 18th and 19th.

Ross talked about the experience of creating the DQ Music Box, how it works and what fellow makers can learn from his experiences at the Seattle Mini Maker Faire.
On this edition of Over Coffee® , you'll hear:

How Ross first came up with the concept for his "Dementia Friendly Music Player";

What the process was like, of designing the first one with the help of the maker community;

How to make the "DQ Music Box" (Ross has provided his pattern open-source, so you can get started making one today!)

What Ross's parents thought of the gift;

How the "Dementia-Friendly Music Player" works, for someone with dementia;

What Ross's experience was like, teaching people to make the "DQ Music Box" at the Seattle Mini Maker Faire;

Where to find Ross as he exhibits his brand-new player at this year's Seattle Mini Maker Faire in August;

A "legalese" consideration for makers; (this is NOT legal advice, and for informational purposes only!  Please contact a legal professional with any legal questions.)

Ross's advice to fellow makers, on exhibiting at a Maker Faire;

Some of the resources Ross would recommend to fellow makers;

One of Ross's favorite stories, from people who made his "DQ Music Box" for loved ones.

Going to the Seattle Mini Maker Faire, Saturday and Sunday, August 18th and 19th?  Look for Ross and his new cherry wood model of the "DQ Music Box" at the Makers Making Change exhibit!