"No one raises their daughter to be an engineer," says Beauty and the Bolt co-founder Xyla Foxlin.  "A lot of times, (in a machine shop, nobody looks like us)."

But, Xyla is putting her talents to work to change that.

With co-founder Andrew DuPuis, she launched online maker community Beauty and the Bolt in early 2016.    As both host and producer on the platform's YouTube channel, Xyla works to make "how-to" maker tutorials accessible and easily understandable to non-engineers.  Her goal: to be a feminine role model for girls who are interested in nontraditional careers.  In addition, her free videos are designed to simplify the making process for maker spaces.

Xyla, who is currently in her senior year at Cleveland's Case Western Reserve University, is working towards her Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.  At CES 2018's Eureka Park™ Marketplace, she was exhibiting some STEAM-based craft/maker kits which Beauty and the Bolt provides.

Meanwhile, also onsite was maker/pilot/aircraft mechanic Alli Hoyt.  And she has an incredibly cool maker project in the works!   It's too good to spoil by telling you here.  But we discussed the laws of physics as they relate to her passion: flying.

Alli was mainly on-hand to support Xyla and help get the word out about Beauty and the Bolt, but she admitted that she and Xyla have plans for an exciting future collaborative project!  She also explored the "really fun" aspects of physics which she experiences, as a pilot.

And these are some of the maker kits available from Beauty and the Bolt!
On this edition of Over Coffee®, you'll hear:

The concept behind Beauty and the Bolt;

How Xyla first became interested in engineering;

How she became comfortable with, and proud of, her passion for making and engineering;

The circumstances that led to the creation of Beauty and the Bolt;

The challenges she and her co-founder experienced, during the first days of making their YouTube videos;

A simple "engineering lesson", using one of the maker craft kits Xyla had on hand at CES® 2018;

Where to find the free resources and kits Beauty and the Bolt provides;

Alli's perspective on making, as a private pilot and aircraft mechanic;

How Alli's background encouraged her interest in aviation;

The "fun" aspects of physics, as seen with the goal of flying in mind;

How Alli would use one of the craft/making kits Beauty and the Bolt supplies, to teach physics in a "fun" way;

Where to find a maker space which Alli considers "one of the best around";

What Alli is currently working on, as a maker (hint: this is unique!);

Alli's advice to women starting to work in maker spaces and engineering.