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"Everyone is an artist.  Everyone is a scientist," says Saddleback College Dance Department chair Deidre Cavazzi.

Her work reflects that interconnectivity.

Deidre is a choreographer, dancer and Founder/Artistic Director of Orange County-based modern dance company Architexture Dance.

And she is also a marine scientist, multimedia creator, photographer and general creative researcher.  Her passion for exploring the connections between science and art have led to some highly intriguing creative work.  (Want a great read?  Take a look at her blog about "Exploring Landscape and Storytelling in Iceland".  But be sure you have a hot cup of tea and a blanket nearby--you will feel the freezing rain and cold temperature as Deidre takes you with her!)

Neuroscience, physics and mathematical concepts have all inspired some of Deidre's recent dance projects.  And as she mentioned during her December presentation at the virtual California STEAM Symposium, she recruits numerous Saddleback College departments as on-campus collaborators.

In addition, participating students aren't necessarily dance majors.  They can come from any discipline--and can learn more about their subjects through dance.

Deidre talked about the background that led to her sense of wonder and discovery, offered a look at the creative process behind Saddleback College's all-virtual multimedia project "Signals and Circuits", and gave a preview of what's coming next!
On this edition of Over Coffee® we cover:

The multidisciplinary background that first interested Deidre in both art and science;

How Deidre first decided to reach out to other departments at Saddleback College for interdisciplinary projects;

A look at separate performances Deidre created, based on physics and mathematics concepts;

Some inspiration sources Deidre recommends for other creatives;

One of Deidre's favorite creative lessons during a trip to the Arctic with other artists and scientists;

An environmental "find" that shocked Deidre and her fellow artists--and led to a powerful new performance;

What works for Deidre, in translating her experiences to multimedia for her audiences;

How Deidre, her students and her colleagues collaborated remotely to create their all-virtual piece, "Signals and Circuits"

A look at Saddleback College's upcoming dance program, created remotely with Zoom and green screen;

Some of the isolation-related innovations which Deidre expects to carry forward, post-pandemic;

A look at what Deidre is currently exploring for a future collaboration!;

Where to find Saddleback College's spring dance collaborations when posted;

A preview of an exciting upcoming collaboration, scheduled to originate in Galway, Ireland