(Royalty-free image by Gerd Altman, from Pixabay.)

During a festival, art, competition, and music aren't unusual.

But getting to experience them in virtual reality really is.

And that's exactly the opportunity which the Global VR Art Fest and Tournament will be offering attendees!

The Global VR Art Fest and Tournament starts off in London on Thursday, February 13th.  After that opening date in the U.K., there will be local festivals in thirteen cities in five different countries--including the U.S. and Australia.

And attendees will get to create art in virtual reality, as well as simply seeing it.  There will also be prizes for new participants, as well as competition prizes on the professional-artist level.

Paul Rock is both the co-founder of Toronto-based arcade Another Reality, and the organizer of the Global VR Art Fest and Tournament.  We talked about the origin of this special event, what attendees can expect to experience and some of the cities which will be participating.
On this edition of Over Coffee® you will hear:

How Paul first realized the potential of VR as a vehicle for artists;

The inspiration that first led him to organize the Global VR Art Fest and Tournament;

What attendees will experience;

Paul's advice for beginners;

What it's like to create art in Tilt Beush;

A look at some of the cities in which the Global VR Art Fest and Tournament is happening;

A look at the VR technology in which a DJ's creating the music!;

The prizes for which artists will be competing;

Paul's vision for the future of his special event;

Some of his favorite resources for creating art in VR (in addition to Tilt Brush);

One mistake to avoid, when creating VR art;

One of the biggest challenges Paul has faced, in creating his series of special VR events;

How you can help support the Global VR Art Fest and Tournament.