#124 Friend of the pod, Martha Carrigan is back behind the mic talking about finding a job in marketing. But this isn’t for those fresh out of school. 


This episode puts the focus on the group of marketers ages 45+ looking for their next gig. 


This group has been heads down in their job for the past 15-plus years. They’ve been busy raising their family. And suddenly they need to look for something new. 


It’s tough. 

The struggle is real. 

And sadly, many are not equipped to deal with the change. 


Well, Martha Carrigan, President and CEO of Big Shoes Network breaks it all down for us. 


She gives us her outlook on the job market based on recent trends. Plus invaluable tips, hacks and best practices to help you along. 


If you are looking or you know someone looking for work, get this pod in their hands. 


And subscribe to the Big Shoes Network newsletter right here


Or connect with Martha directly on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marthacarrigan/

✅ Connect with Pat at: [email protected]

🍺 Martha’s Pint: Kopps 

🍺 Pat’s Pint: Lakefront Brewery, Riverwest Stein, NA


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Thanks, you’re the best!

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