#125 Is there a marketing job out there that could be better than trying to place animals in loving homes?


The answer is no…there isn’t!


And that’s just what Addie Erdmann does. She is the Director of Marketing and Development for the Eau Claire County Humane Association (ECCHA)


She helps put pets in homes! 🩷🩷🩷


A bit about the association. 


-> It has been around since 1972

-> They just moved into a new facility 

-> At full capacity they can hold over 200 animals. ~41 dogs, and ~100, plus foster animals

-> There are 12 paid staff members and about 450 active volunteers!!


Addie has her hands full between the marketing and the development (fundraising) for ECCHA. She is a team of one. 


In this episode, we find out how she does it all. The tactics she uses. Events that are working for the association. Plus, the channel that has been killing it for fundraising!


Plus, plus Addie has a great story involving a 100-plus-pound Sulcata tortoise named, Tiny Admiral! You don’t want to miss that one!


✅ Connect with Addie here: https://www.chasinghoneyconsulting.com/

✅ Looking to adopt a pet. Reach out to the ECCHA here: https://eccha.org/adopt/

✅ Connect with Pat at: [email protected]

🍺 Addie’s Pint: Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy

🍺 Pat’s Pint: Lakefront Brewery, Riverwest Stein, NA


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