Planning Your Cheat Days With Weight Loss Still In Your Mind

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In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks discusses how to plan cheat days while still aiming for weight loss. He emphasizes maintaining a strict diet from Monday to Friday, with the possibility of relaxing a bit on weekends. His approach includes consuming high-protein, low-calorie meals early in the day and fasting until social activities begin to manage calorie intake. He suggests prioritizing protein shakes and avoiding high-calorie meals like eggs and bacon.

Brad explains the importance of balancing alcohol consumption by focusing on meat and vegetables to reduce carb intake. For those indulging in sweets, he advises consuming them earlier in the day to allow the body to burn off the calories before bedtime. He also discusses using products like CBD-infused drinks to reduce alcohol intake and recommends staying hydrated.

To avoid overeating, Brad suggests drinking plenty of water, chewing gum, and using apple cider vinegar as appetite suppressants. Staying busy and incorporating physical activities like walking can help burn off extra calories consumed during cheat days. Brad also promotes his new Facebook group for over 40 fitness enthusiasts, offering a space for motivation, questions, and community support.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:

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