A Personal Trainer's Journey Through Fitness, Binge Eating, and Self-Discovery

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Stephen Campolo - Weight Loss Expert


In this engaging podcast conversation between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Stephen Campolo, a seasoned personal trainer, the focus is on Stephen's transformative journey into fitness, navigating the challenges of binge eating, and the psychological intricacies surrounding it. Stephen candidly shares his personal narrative, beginning with his adolescence when he grappled with being significantly overweight, growing up in a food-centric Italian household where culinary indulgence was the norm.

Motivated by a desire to shed excess weight and the negative impacts of bullying, Stephen embarked on his weight loss journey at the age of 14. Initially, he turned to running as his primary means of exercise, braving the cold New York winters to jog nightly. Coupled with a diet heavily centered around chicken and broccoli—deemed the quintessential healthy meal—Stephen experienced rapid weight loss, shedding nearly 100 pounds within six months.

However, his weight loss journey took a new trajectory when he discovered bodybuilding through Arnold Schwarzenegger's iconic documentary "Pumping Iron." Inspired by the muscular physiques showcased, Stephen transitioned to weightlifting, eventually competing in natural bodybuilding shows with the guidance of a seasoned coach. Despite his success on stage, Stephen's strict pre-competition dieting inadvertently triggered an unhealthy obsession with food, leading to episodes of binge eating post-competition.

This pattern of restrictive eating followed by bingeing persisted for years, creating a tumultuous cycle that impacted Stephen's physical and mental well-being. He candidly recounts a harrowing incident during the COVID era where a severe bout of binge eating resulted in excruciating pain and emergency surgery to remove his gallbladder—a consequence of overindulging in high-fat foods like peanut butter.

Through his experiences, Stephen underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing food addiction, describing himself as a "recovering food addict." He emphasizes the necessity of cultivating a lifelong awareness of one's relationship with food, acknowledging the complexities inherent in managing food-related behaviors. Stephen's story serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges individuals face within the fitness industry, intertwining themes of weight loss, body image, and mental health in a deeply personal narrative.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:


Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV