The Psychedelic Renaissance: Growing Potential of Psychedelic Mushrooms And Where We Are Today

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Robert Johnson - Mycroboost

In this podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Robert Johnson from Myrcoboost, the discussion delves into the growing interest and acceptance of psychedelics, particularly mushrooms, for therapeutic purposes. Robert highlights the cultural shift towards acceptance, citing influential media such as documentaries and books, as well as celebrity endorsements and political movements towards legalization and decriminalization.

The conversation touches on the parallels between the legalization journey of cannabis and the emerging acceptance of psychedelics. Robert explains the historical context, mentioning the extensive research on psychedelics before their criminalization in the late 1960s, and the recent resurgence of interest and investment in research due to their potential therapeutic benefits.

They discuss the rapid growth of the psychedelic industry, with former cannabis manufacturers transitioning to produce mushroom products, facilitated by existing infrastructure and market demand. Robert also outlines the current legal landscape, noting recent legislative changes in states like Colorado and Oregon, as well as the decriminalization efforts in various cities.

Regarding research and development, Robert mentions significant investments by leading psychedelic companies, focusing on unique compounds for therapeutic use. He highlights recent government funding for PTSD therapy, indicating a shift towards recognizing the therapeutic potential of psychedelics.

The conversation concludes with a comparison of the societal impact of various substances, with alcohol ranking highest in terms of negative effects, followed by pharmaceuticals, while psychedelics like mushrooms are depicted as relatively low-risk in comparison.

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