My Experience With The Carnivore Diet For 30 Days

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In this podcast transcript, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks shares his experience with the Carnivore Diet during a 30-day trial. Brad, a personal trainer with expertise in helping the over-40 crowd achieve fitness goals, decided to explore the Carnivore Diet trend despite initial skepticism. Throughout the month of March (and a few days in February), Brad followed the strict dietary guidelines of the Carnivore Diet, which primarily consists of consuming meat and animal fats while avoiding all plant-based foods.

Brad recounts the challenges he faced, including the need for research to ensure adequate nutrient intake, particularly vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as coping with low glycogen levels and potential dehydration. Despite his commitment to maintaining a social life, Brad adhered to the Carnivore Diet during weekdays and allowed himself some flexibility on weekends, though this impacted his ketosis cycle.

Throughout the trial, Brad diversified his meat choices, focusing on ruminant meats such as bison, venison, and wild boar, alongside supplements like liver pills and bison patties containing organ meats. He also adjusted his fat intake, initially relying on plant-based oils before incorporating bacon to address issues related to saturated fat and cholesterol intake.

Brad shares his observations on the diet's effects, including improved Friday energy levels compared to his typical keto diet and slight weight loss. However, he highlights challenges such as insomnia, brain fog, and the need for strict adherence to achieve optimal results.

Reflecting on his experience, Brad emphasizes the importance of water intake, consuming high-fat animal products, and maintaining variety in food choices. While he acknowledges potential benefits for gut health and skin improvement, he questions the sustainability and long-term health implications of a strictly carnivorous diet, particularly concerning nutrient deficiencies.

Looking ahead, Brad plans to reintroduce fruits and raw honey while reducing vegetable intake, inspired by insights from Dr. Paul Saladino's content. He also intends to prioritize animal protein over vegan protein shakes, noting the superior bioavailability of the former.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:

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