Screw Motivation: Rely On The Power of Consistency, Discipline, and Routines

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Josh York - Gym Guyz

Fuel Your Drive Podcast

In this podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Josh York, founder of Gym Guyz Franchise, the focus revolves around the significance of consistency, discipline, and routines, particularly when dealing with the challenges of aging. Josh emphasizes the critical role of routine and consistency in his life, citing his disciplined approach to waking up daily at the same time, despite challenges like exhaustion and irregular sleep due to family responsibilities.

He stresses the importance of sticking to routines, even incorporating small changes to keep the mind engaged while maintaining the consistency. Josh highlights that motivation alone won't lead to success; rather, consistency and discipline are the keys to achieving goals.

The conversation delves into the struggles individuals face with fitness, where Josh emphasizes human interaction and accountability as crucial factors in achieving success. He underlines the necessity of starting with simple routines and building upon them gradually, addressing common hurdles such as diet, exercise, and the misconception that extreme measures are required for peak physical condition.

Additionally, Josh emphasizes the significance of hydration, routine exercise, and the need for individuals to understand their bodies through consistent action. Accountability, according to Josh, is a pivotal factor in pushing individuals beyond their comfort zones and into a rhythm where they start enjoying the positive effects of physical activity.

The conversation concludes with Josh sharing contact information for Gym Guyz Franchise, encouraging listeners to take immediate action toward their fitness goals rather than delaying their efforts, as life is fleeting. The interview underscores the importance of consistency, discipline, and accountability as foundational elements in achieving fitness success, especially as one ages.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at