Set Up Your Health Retirement Plan: The Power of Mindset and Purpose

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Brad Carlson - Be Well, Be Safe, Be Happy, Eat Ice Cream podcast

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In this episode of the "Over 40 Fitness Hacks" podcast, host Brad Williams interviews fellow health coach and podcaster, Brad Carlson. The conversation revolves around the crucial role of mindset in achieving overall health and well-being.

The discussion starts with the idea that where the mind goes, energy flows, emphasizing that what you focus on, you ultimately become. The key insight shared is that many people often focus on losing weight as a means to become healthy, but the reverse should be true: focus on becoming healthy to achieve sustainable weight loss. This mindset shift, according to both Brads, is fundamental to successful health journeys.

The conversation delves into the importance of focusing on various aspects of life to improve overall health. Brad Carlson stresses the significance of generating positive energy and vibrations by focusing on desired outcomes. This shift in mindset involves concentrating on thriving, abundance, love, and happiness rather than dwelling on depression, anxiety, and stress.

Both Brads share personal experiences, highlighting the significance of adapting to changing circumstances and listening to one's body. Brad Williams discusses how his journey shifted from a focus on muscle preservation to prioritizing spinal health and overall well-being after a back injury. Brad Carlson emphasizes the importance of balance, mobility, flexibility, and agility as individuals age, pointing out that muscle mass alone won't ensure a healthy and independent future.

The discussion also addresses the idea of a "health retirement plan," emphasizing the need for daily investments in health to ensure a fulfilling and independent life as individuals age. It underscores the importance of starting the journey toward better health at any age.

The episode concludes with a reminder of the power of having a strong "why" and a higher purpose to drive one's health journey forward. Both hosts agree that a meaningful "why" is essential for sustaining positive changes and achieving long-term health and happiness.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at