Mastering The Power of Fasting While Adapting On A Day By Day Basis

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Narado Zeco Powell - The Matter Over Mind Experience podcast

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In this podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Zeco Narado from The Matter Over Mind Experience, the two discuss the topic of fasting. Brad shares his personal journey with fasting, highlighting its positive impact on his health, including improved cholesterol levels. Zeco emphasizes that fasting is often misunderstood and should not be solely used for weight loss. Instead, he suggests that it provides essential rest for the digestive system, lowers inflammation and oxidative stress, and teaches the body to use stored energy.

Zeco explains that fasting has historical roots as our ancestors practiced it due to seasonal food availability. He also discusses the concept of cycling ketosis, where the body switches between using carbohydrates and fats as fuel sources. They recommend starting with a 12-hour fasting window (including sleep) for most individuals, gradually extending it as one becomes more comfortable.

Brad shares his experience with an 18-hour fasting window and a 6-hour eating window, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's body when determining the ideal fasting window. He refers to his approach as "dirty keto" or intermittent keto, occasionally indulging while maintaining ketosis.

Zeco stresses that fasting should be approached with caution, especially for those new to it, as it can lead to health issues if not done correctly. He highlights the importance of adjusting fasting windows based on individual needs, goals, and activity levels.

Finally, Zeco shares his current dietary and fasting routine, explaining that he adapts it to his bulking phase, demonstrating the flexibility of fasting as a lifestyle choice. He also discusses the benefits of consuming healthy carbs like berries before bedtime for improved sleep quality.

The conversation emphasizes the importance of adapting fasting practices to individual needs and goals, listening to one's body, and maintaining a balanced approach to health and nutrition. Zeco invites the audience to connect with him on Instagram and explore his podcast and YouTube channel for more health advice and insights. Brad expresses gratitude for the opportunity to learn from Zeco's expertise.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:

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