Part 2 of The Power of Embracing Overall Health in Fitness Strategy

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In this episode of the "Over 40 Fitness Hacks" podcast, hosted by Brad Williams, he delves into part two of his thoughts on an all-encompassing health strategy. Brad begins by referencing his previous episode and proceeds to cover various aspects of holistic health for individuals over 40.

Brad emphasizes the significance of movement, highlighting that counting steps and engaging in any form of physical activity matters. He shares his experience during the pandemic, stressing how even with regular workouts, a lack of movement impacted his overall health.

Diet is another focal point, where Brad advocates for a mindful approach to eating. He discusses the importance of clean, nutrient-dense foods and the variations in nutrient content due to farming practices. Brad suggests prioritizing local, organic options and touches on the "clean 15" and "dirty dozen" foods in relation to pesticide exposure.

Stress management is a crucial theme. Brad advises moderation in exercise and recommends tackling mental stressors, including work-related issues, for improved well-being. He highlights the detrimental effects of chronic stress on health and aging. Brad addresses vices like overindulging in food and alcohol. He promotes setting rules for moderation and discusses strategies for balancing enjoyment with health-conscious choices.

Sun exposure is touched upon as a source of vitamin D and circadian rhythm regulation. Brad acknowledges challenges in getting sufficient sunlight, especially for those with indoor professions, and underscores the need for supplementation when necessary.

Brad then delves into the quality of indoor air and its impact on health. He suggests using improved filters and speaks about the benefits of maintaining good air quality in sleeping environments.

Nagging injuries are also covered, with Brad encouraging proactive steps to address them. He recommends seeking help from various sources, including experts online and in-person, to prevent issues from worsening.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at