Optimizing Fitness and Fasting with Essential Amino Acids: A Guide for Over 40s

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Essential Amino Acid Supplement

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In this episode of the Over 40 Fitness Hacks podcast, host Brad Williams discusses essential amino acids and branch chain amino acids. He starts by explaining that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and can be obtained from meat and other dietary sources. However, essential amino acids and branch chain amino acids have higher bioavailability and are easier for the body to absorb.

Brad shares his personal experience with branch chain amino acids, noting that they can provide a slight energy boost during workouts, especially when combined with caffeine. He points out that if one already follows a balanced diet with sufficient protein intake, using these supplements may not be necessary.

The focus then shifts to essential amino acids, which are the nine amino acids the body cannot produce on its own and must be ingested or supplemented. Brad expresses his preference for essential amino acids over branch chain amino acids due to the comprehensive health benefits they offer. He mentions that taking essential amino acids in the morning helps him during his intermittent fasting routine and supports muscle development and recovery.

Brad acknowledges that essential amino acids in their raw form taste unpleasant, but he found a way to make them more palatable by adding lime or lemon juice and cayenne pepper. He mentions using a glucose monitoring software called NutraSense to optimize his fasting and nutrient intake.

In conclusion, Brad encourages listeners to find what works best for them, considering individual goals and budgets when exploring different supplements. He believes that essential amino acids have proven beneficial for him personally and recommends trying them to see if they fit well into one's fitness routine.

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