Navigating Health and Fitness After 40: Adjusting Pillars of Wellness and Embracing Change

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Lynne Wadsworth - Living Life Naturally Podcast

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In this podcast episode, host Brad Williams from "Over 40 Fitness Hacks" interviews Lynne Wadsworth from the "Living Life Naturally" podcast. They discuss the challenges faced by individuals over 40, particularly women going through menopause, and the adjustments needed for maintaining overall health and fitness.

Lynne emphasizes the need to adjust and change fitness routines as our bodies change with age. Many people struggle to lose weight and maintain their previous fitness levels after reaching their 40s, and this can be particularly challenging for women going through menopause. Lynne advises that the process begins with a shift in mindset, especially as people may be experiencing life changes such as empty nest syndrome and questioning their life's direction.

She highlights the importance of being in tune with one's body, as sensitivities to certain foods may develop with age, leading to bloating or weight gain. Lynne encourages keeping a journal to track how different foods affect the body, helping to identify potential sensitivities.

Brad shares his personal experience of adjusting his fitness routine in his 40s and learning to listen to his body's signals. He also mentions the importance of intermittent fasting and finding the right balance between exercise and rest to manage stress levels and improve results.

Regarding menopausal stages, Lynne advises women to consider natural alternatives to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and suggests working with a knowledgeable professional to understand how to balance hormones effectively. She also mentions the positive impact of exercise in balancing hormones and reducing menopausal symptoms.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:

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