Empowering Women Over 50: A Journey of Fitness, Bodybuilding, and Menopausal Wellness

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Carol Covino - Covino Fitness

[email protected]


In this episode of the Over 40 Fitness Hacks podcast, host Brad Williams interviews Carol Covino, a menopausal specialist and fitness coach for women over 50. Carol shares her own journey in the fitness industry, including participating in bodybuilding shows and bikini prep contests. After a break, she returned to the fitness world in her 50s and now focuses on helping women over 50 with hormone balance, inflammation reduction, weight loss, and muscle building.

Brad and Carol discuss the importance of weight training for maintaining lean muscle mass, especially as we age. They also touch on the role of endurance training and its benefits for heart health. Carol explains that her own transformation occurred when she started incorporating weightlifting and paying attention to her nutrition.

They delve into the preparation for bodybuilding shows, particularly the last couple of months leading up to the competition. Carol talks about the mental and physical challenges of cutting body fat, reducing carbohydrates, and maintaining motivation. She emphasizes the confidence and self-discovery that can come from pushing oneself to that level.

Carol reveals that she relied on a coach during her shows because she couldn't be objective with herself. Having an objective set of eyes helped her make the necessary adjustments and stay on track. She also mentions the importance of lighting and an external perspective to counterbalance one's own critical self-perception.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at:


Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV