Amid the COVID-19 outbreak the Growing Season guys deliver some horticultural hilarity.

Jack and Matt McFarland, your hosts, chat about all the horticultural organisms that are used to make modern medicine... and FINALLY, they have a discussion about marijuana.

Never, in the history of The Growing Season, has one plant been so widely requested.

All manner of Willows, Echinacea, Ginseng and more are also discussed.

A new segment called "Pick Your Battles" debuts, wherein the guys debate on a horticultural topic they've found on Gardening forums and chat groups.

Mike of Condo Cannabis joins The Growing Season to chat about his journey and what led him to use marijuana for its medicinal benefits.

Mike discusses his journey into "guerrilla botany" and his unique growing environment.

Follow Mike (Condo Cannabis) on Instagram. CLICK HERE.

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