Its in the blood!

In a house where a love of baseball was only rivalled by a love of music, Jordan Gibbons chose the latter to pursue as her passion.

Jordan, daughter of Blue Jays manager John Gibbons, joined Barry and Matt at Metalworks studios in Mississauga ON to talk about her family, her career and where she feels she’s headed.

In an all encompassing chat, Jordan reveals some things that many wouldn’t know about her father and talks about how her parents feel about her choosing a career fraught with pitfalls and traps.

She’s wonderful, just like her daddy.

Crazy news talks Johnny Cash, birds, bears and hot tubs sitting next to a party truck. And velociraptors, don’t forget velociraptors.

A Pause for thought goes doggy style.

In My Life continues the further adventures of Barry Davis in 1985.

All that and a whole lot more.

If you thought #GibbyTheBest, hold on, you ain’t heard nothing yet.

Its Sessions.