We got him, we promised and we’ve delivered…

Jose Bautista, bat flip Blue Jay of myth and lore, joins Barry on location from the Rogers Centre upon returning to his old stronghold as a member of the New York Mets. In an in-depth interview, Barry and Joey Bats talk about his return, his lasting memories of his time in Canada and a story that many haven’t heard that showcases the large heart behind the perfect beard.

We miss Jose and this chat will only serve to turn up the feelings.

Duane Ward joined Barry and Matt at the Alomar Sports Golf Classic. Topics range from the value of a starting pitcher if innings begin to decrease to Duane’s thoughts on where the game is headed and how the players association will dole out contracts in the future. Duane is as thoughtful and cerebral as Jose, so they pair very nicely. Coffee meet biscotti.

The First Pitch forces Davis to play GM of the Toronto Blue Jays.

The boys connect with Brian Serviss, an Islanders fan, who gives an honest and passionate take on how fans are dealing with John Tavares’ decision to become a member of the Maple Leafs. We really enjoy talking with Bryan and would love to have him on again.

Ask Barry Davis talks the wave and booing when throwing to first base.

The results of the Fair or Foul poll are revealed.

Its a packed show featuring three separate interviews.

The least you need to know?