For episodes 31 & 32, I had the privilege of interviewing Mark Eppler of Mark Eppler International.  Mark works as a speaker, seminar leader, and author.  He also provides leadership ministry for the Cincinnati City Gospel.  Mark's work focuses on leadership, change, management, customer service, or personal effectiveness.

Mark is the author of two books with a third one coming out soon.  His books are:

The Wright Way: 7 Problem-Solving Principles from the Wright Brothers That Can Make Your Business Soar

Management Mess-ups: 57 Pitfalls You Can Avoid (and Stories of Those Who Didn't)

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Here are some highlights from his interview:

why his parents were his role models growing up in Kentucky
Abraham Lincoln was one of his early heroes
working professionally in electronic manufacturing and teaching at Indiana University
how writing his books enhanced his business
why the Wright Brothers book is for parents as well as business leaders
Mark's morning routine
how he transitioned into self-employment
three topics he is working with organizations are:  working in gray areas, communication, and adaptive thinking
the environment the Wright brothers grew up in
the family emphasis on learning, tinkering, and conflict resolution
Mark's Seven Principles that make up the Wright Brothers' problem-solving model
Tackle the Tyrant
Mind Warping
Relentless Preparation

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