The center of the news has been around Austin, Texas. A Governor seeking to take away voting rights and pick on transgender youth, again. An opposition putting up a walk-out, and a hearing on two bills that would legalize discrimination of trans youth features some of the most outlandish and somewhat unhinged things you'll ever hear, even directly in the faces of parents of trans children. Karleigh Webb put together a special look inside the farce and the fury within this fight over trans rights.

On the good foot, we dug in the archives to two interviews from last October that gave us a glimpse of the future. In the space of two week we had special sit down with Canadian soccer midfielder Quinn and American BMX freestyle ace Chelsea Wolfe. Both are currently packing their bags for a little trip to Japan -- for the Summer Olympics!
Also this week -- Caitlyn catcalled at CPAC and Transgender athletes break another barrier. They now have their own bubblegum cards!

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