I’m not sure how I ended up with two guests who exhibit almost identical traits – they’re gutsy, funny, and passionate about everything they do. And yet, they are completely ...

Read moreOutspoken Cyclist – 5/28/2024

I’m not sure how I ended up with two guests who exhibit almost identical traits – they’re gutsy, funny, and passionate about everything they do.

And yet, they are completely different from one another.

Guest #1 is Carla Francome.  She lives, works, and rides in London.  She’s a TV producer and a cycling advocate extraordinaire. I discovered her on Twitter (X) and just knew she’d be a great guest. 

Carla Francome is a bicycle campaigner – especially for women. 

When she found her work as a TV producer coming to a screeching halt, mainly due to the writer’s strike, she transitioned to a new industry taking her amazing ability for storytelling with her all the while raising two kids and riding – riding her bike in central London, which has been transformed from a crowded car-centric city to a place where riding your bike is commonplace.

We chatted about so many things from the work she has done in television to her experience of trying clipless pedals for the first time.

Then, Guest #2 actually contacted me several months ago to let me know he is about to embark on RAAM.  His “handle” is speedy turtle, so that’s the first thing that caught my attention.  Then, I come to find out he is blind and has been blind since birth.

Apparently though, nothing stops Dave Wilkinson – not rain, nor snow, nor crashes – in fact, any challenge that would seem daunting to me is a “let’s have it” from him.

RAAM is a team effort and Dave Wilkinson makes it abundantly clear how true that is.

He’s completed marathons – his first when he was 40, as well as Ironman triathlons.  He is a skier and apparently, he’s pretty fearless because Dave was born blind. 

Clearly, that has never stopped him and not only is his goal is to complete RAAM as the first solo blind rider, but he intends to do it in under 11 days.