Food As Medicine with Brooke Holland

Hey OTS listeners! I'm so excited to introduce you to Brooke Holland, a health and Wellness advocate who is passionate about using food as medicine! She will share with us these 4 valuable insights + plus so much more!
* Learn about Brooke's journey to health and how she healed herself with food and high quality water.
* Discover what Brooke's mission of Human Optimization!
* Gain insight about the problems we have with our food supply + toxicity in our environment and the importance of taking care of ourselves and protecting ourselves.
* Discover the importance of community to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Show Notes

Hey OTS listeners! I'm so excited to introduce you to Brooke Holland, a health and Wellness advocate who is passionate about using food as medicine! She will share us these 4 valuable insights + plus so much more!

Learn about Brooke's journey to health and how she healed herself with food and high quality water. Discover what Brooke's mission of Human Optimization!Gain insight about the problems we have with our food supply + toxicity in our environment and the importance of taking care of ourselves and protecting ourselves. Discover the importance of community to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Brooke Holland believes she is here to be of service for the highest benefit of the earth and all her inhabitants. As humans, she believes we are here to connect + play + take care of one another and our earth mother. Brooke is all about optimizing her own human potential and she is on a mission to inspire and empower others to reclaim their health and vitality through superfood plant allies + other healing tools that are available to us. Brooke is passionate about all things healing and is here to create a positive impact in the world.
"When we heal ourselves, we heal the world"

Connect with Brooke

Brooke's Website:

Brooke's Instagram:

LifeWave (stem cell phototherapy):

Purium (superfood mission):