Dave Kahle is an author, speaker, and sales trainer with over 30 years of experience. In that time Dave has authored 13 books, including Question Your Way to Sales Success, 11 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople, and How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime.


In this episode, Dave shares his secrets to being effective and managing your time in sales. 


Here are some topics covered in this episode:


Tips to plan daily, weekly, monthly, and annually
Ways to prioritize prospects and customers based on potential
The difference between being efficient vs effective
How to develop a ‘MORE’ mindset


About the Guest:

Dave writes a weekly e-zine for salespeople; and has presented in 47 states and 11 countries. As a salesperson, he was the number one salesperson in the country for two different companies in two distinct industries. For over 25 years, he's been President of Kahle Way Sales Systems, a sales training/consulting company. In that capacity, he's trained tens of thousands of salespeople and sales managers. 


www.thesalesresourcecenter.com - Get Dave’s online courses

www.davekahle.com - Find Dave’s books, podcasts and e-zines

[email protected] - Email Dave


Listen to more episodes of the Outside Sales Talk here and watch the video here!


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