Brynne Tillman is the LinkedIn Whisperer and CEO of Social Sales Link. For over a decade, she has been teaching Entrepreneurs, sales teams, and business leaders how to leverage LinkedIn for social selling. Brynne is also the author of “The LinkedIn Sales Playbook, a Tactical Guide to Social Selling”.


In this episode, Brynne shares her proven LinkedIn selling tips to help you turn your connections into sales.


Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:


How to optimize your LinkedIn profile for sales
Actionable tips to start conversations with your connections
Top techniques to leverage referrals on LinkedIn
How to curate content to boost engagement


About the Guest:

As a former sales trainer and personal producer, Brynne adopted all of the traditional sales techniques and adapted them to the new digital world. She guides professionals to establish a thought leader and subject matter expert brand, find and engage the right targeted market, and leverage clients and networking partners for warm introductions into qualified buyers.



Follow #sslinsights on LinkedIn to get Brynne best social selling tips 




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