Keenan is A Sales Guy Inc.’s CEO, President, and Chief Antagonist. He’s been selling something to someone for his entire life, teaching and coaching almost as long. With over 20 years of sales experience, which he’ll tell you he doesn’t give a shit about, Keenan has been influencing, learning from and shaping the world of sales for a long time. Finder of the elephant in the room, Keenan calls it as he sees it and lets nothing or no one go unnoticed.

Keenan’s passion for problem solving reaches well beyond the sales and business world. He is the celebrated author of “Not Taught: What It Takes to be Successful in the 21st Century That Nobody’s Teaching You.” The 21st Century has ushered in the information age, and with it a new set of rules for success. Not Taught shares how the rules of the industrial age no longer work and that if you want to be successful, you must learn the new rules for success.

Father of 3 crazy girls, PSIA Certified Level 2 ski instructor and avid Boston Sports fan, Keenan keeps crazy busy when he’s not focused on A Sales Guy.


Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:


Coaching your Field Sales team using critical success criteria
How to set up a repeatable coaching cadence
The keys to successful team collaboration
How to build and maintain a great culture with a Field Sales team  


Get more in-depth tips on how to successfully coach your field sales team!


About the Guest: With 20 years of experience, Keenan is a keynote speaker, Forbes Contributor and Award winning sales blogger. He has been named one of the Top 30 Social Sellers in the World and one of the Top 50 Most Influential Sales and Marketing People by ‘Top Sales World Magazine’ every year running, since 2012.

Keenan has been cited in the Harvard Business Journal, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc., and Forbes. His consulting company, A Sales Guy operates within strategy, structure, people, and process. They help businesses increase sales, create more deals, improve team effectiveness, establish a healthy pipeline, close more deals, resolve problems and make sure you continually make your numbers.





Twitter: @asalesguy and @keenan



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