Previous Episode: A Decade in Outrage
Next Episode: Panicdemic

What made the internet angry this week?

We're 3 weeks into 2020, and the world is FUCKED! There's a pandemics in China, Australia is on fire, and Canadians are mad at Justin Trudeau for buying hipster doughnuts because we literally have nothing else to worry about. Tim Horton's is pure garbage and an affront to our great nation. Chicken sandwiches, ranked. Body shaming people is okay, if they're right wingers! Gun support rallies are just military cosplayers. Beloved NHL mascot Gritty has allegedly assaulted a child, and it only makes us like him more. Derek's tortured history as a former mascot. A guy loses his job for complaining about his employer on social media, and people are...surprised? Another guy loses his job for costing his employer half a million dollars, and people are surprised about that, too! People are dumb! Anyways, listen to our podcast!