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What made the internet angry this week?

People are having two reactions to the coronavirus: PANIC or RACISM. Chinese safety regulations are surprisingly lax! Another edition of 'animals we would eat'. The tragic death of Kobe Bryant elicited some pretty strong reactions on social media. Are people ever really able to escape the worst thing they ever did? We discuss the worst thing we ever did TO EACH OTHER. Dale explains wrestling. The long international nightmare that is 'Brexit' is finally over. Or just starting. Whatever! In a completely shocking turn of events, the Republican Party failed to turn on itself and impeach the guy from their party who currently runs the country! WEIRD. Could #HotBoysForBernie is physically exploiting men, for a change! PETA's rejected Super Bowl ad is the most unintentionally hilarious and cringey thing you will watch this year. When I say 'pod', you say 'cast!' POD!