Previous Episode: Born on the Fourthskin of July
Next Episode: A.C. Hater

What made the internet angry this week?

Kynan Foster joins Dale this week because Derek is out living his best life and we should all be bitter about it.

More outrage aimed at a live action movie adaption, this time it's cats and Dale is the angry one. Dale stumbles through explaining 'uncanny valley' to Kynan and how it's causing the new Cats trailer to creep you out.

Jason Momoa's still clearly visible 8 pack isn't good enough. Look the guy is still ripped to shit and his "fat" summer body still makes Dale feel body shamed because he just wants to be hot too.

Horses can't run without dying. The Calgary Stampede's Chuckwagon races had more horse fatalities this year and not surprisingly people are pissed.

Storm Area 51 could work! I mean, have you ever been Naruto Running lately? Totally faster than bullets.