Next Episode: M-ass Shootings

What made the internet angry this week?

Derek's back! Dale is old as FUCK! Beef with inaccurate time-travel movies. Teleportation problems. Everyone has imposter syndrome except you, you fucking fraud. Listen to Club Soda Club! Wanna see Dale and I french kiss? Hit up our Patreon. Who is the most successful Saved By The Bell alumnus? Mario Lopez has opinions about gender fluidity in children, LOOK OUT! Overwoke parents. Dale's preoccupation with gut flora continues. Libraries are amazing. The Vancouver Pride Society thinks their parade is VERY IMPORTANT—so much that they're willing to try and use it to bully two publicly-funded institutions into changing their policies. Everyone is the hero in their own culture war story. Officially over politics. The scourge of a messy tupperware drawer. All this and more, on probably our rantiest podcast ever!