Previous Episode: Offal Behavior
Next Episode: Yelping, Literally

#What made the internet angry this week?

What made the internet angry this week? On an internet outrage-related podcast, we can only go so long without talking about Trump; specifically, this week, his practice of throwing children in cages. And then the First Lady wore a $50 jacket to make a point about...something? Also: The Republican Party is just gaslighting us all, we're socialists now, libertarianism is full of shit, San Francisco is a garbage city, can a punk rock band be TOO punk rock, the world's most badass Canadian football player.

Talking points:

Yeah...they're cages
This jacket doesn't have a message (except for the one in 8-inch letters on the back)
Getting banned from playing shows inside your own country is the new punk rock
Streakers deserve this


'Nothin' by Save Face/'Daggers' by Robot Science