#What made the internet angry this week?

Dale and Derek spend five minutes sampling the best (only?) Scottish contribution to international cuisine, the breakfast place that also serves burgers now serves more burgers, a stern dad goes overboard getting his child to eat brussels sprouts, we reminisce about the good ol' days of child discipline, Chris Hardwick gets exposed, hell hath no fury like a five year old meeting an expensive art exhibit, listeners share their angriest dad moments.

Talking points:

We ate this
Who gives a fuck
Father Sentenced For Forcing Daughter To Stay At Table 13 Hours To Eat Brussels Sprouts
Chris Hardwick is a piece of shit who has shit for brains when refuting abuse allegations
Kid knocks over unsecured $132,000 statue. Now they want his parents to pay


'Hell' by Clown Core/'Alcohol' by FIDLAR