“If you want to do something, chances are, somebody has done it before you. And this person is probably no smarter, no more educated, and no more experienced, than you are. If THEY can do it, YOU can do it, too.” —Scott Welle. In this solocast, I reveal the TRUTH about how Outperformers gain confidence towards getting started and keeping going, namely through prioritizing the process, reference points and vicarious experiences. Show notes and the video for this episode can be found at https://scottwelle.com/the-truth-about-confidence-2/. This is part of a 2-part confidence series, with the first installment detailing why you’re - probably - already an authority and how your competence SHOULD fuel your confidence: https://scottwelle.com/the-truth-about-confidence/. Also, please follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. Enjoy and please share!