On Wednesday, June 9, you'll see that Outliers has a new name, as well as new artwork. Going forward, the show will be called Outlier Academy, and you can find us online at outlieracademy.com.
Outside of the new name, artwork, and website, everything else will remain the same. Daniel Scrivner will continue to host the show, and we'll continue to interview the world's best entrepreneurs and investors.
But make no mistake, we have big plans for the rest of this year.
When we launched Outliers, we set out to profile people who have achieved remarkable success—and done so on their terms, by playing the game their way. This remains our mission today.
We're now focused exclusively on success in business and investing, as both of these fields share a few unique traits that make them uniquely challenging. Those who succeed in these fields are extreme outliers, women and men who play the game their way, on their own terms.
Our goal is to dissect what makes the world's best entrepreneurs and investors successful by studying both the professional and human performance sides of the equation—to help us all learn from the best and win the game our way.
And we couldn't do any of that without you! So thank you for listening, subscribing, and being a part of our community.
This remains day one for us… and we're only just getting started.

On Wednesday, June 9, you'll see that Outliers has a new name, as well as new artwork. Going forward, the show will be called Outlier Academy, and you can find us online at outlieracademy.com.

Outside of the new name, artwork, and website, everything else will remain the same. Daniel Scrivner will continue to host the show, and we'll continue to interview the world's best entrepreneurs and investors.

But make no mistake, we have big plans for the rest of this year.

When we launched Outliers, we set out to profile people who have achieved remarkable success—and done so on their terms, by playing the game their way. This remains our mission today.

We're now focused exclusively on success in business and investing, as both of these fields share a few unique traits that make them uniquely challenging. Those who succeed in these fields are extreme outliers, women and men who play the game their way, on their own terms.

Our goal is to dissect what makes the world's best entrepreneurs and investors successful by studying both the professional and human performance sides of the equation—to help us all learn from the best and win the game our way.

And we couldn't do any of that without you! So thank you for listening, subscribing, and being a part of our community.

This remains day one for us… and we're only just getting started.